Professor, San José State University
Founder and coordinator, IDEEC
Chang Sik Kim, Professor at San Jose State University, is a typographer, visual communication designer, and educator. He completed received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (1989) and a Master of Fine Arts (1991) in Visual Communication Design at Hongik University in Seoul, South Korea, followed by a Master of Fine Arts in Graphic Design (Interaction Design emphasis) at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign in 2000. Before joining the faculty of Graphic Design at San Jose State in 2000, Chang was the art director of Seoul Graphic Design Center, Korea Herald Weekly, and Hangil-sa publication where he was responsible for leading projects focused on identity design and publication design. Since 1991 he has also taught at several international universities while working as a professional designer. Chang has set his career focus entirely on graphic design and communications. He is specifically interested in integrating type and image, especially in the use of visual metaphors and methodologies to conceptualize complex ideas.
Chang has published three complete books, written multiple articles and has held ten solo exhibitions that contain works on extremely diverse experimental subjects in Spain, U.K., Poland, Armenia, Japan, Korea, and the United States. Professionally, he designed several newspapers, magazines, and more than 150 book covers besides creating many successful character and brand designs in Korea and the United States. Chang Kim has expertise in Metamorphic Image Making with Experimental Typography, Visual Identity Design, as well as Mascot Design involving a wide range of corporate and institutional clients and has earned numerous awards from national/international competitions. He also has been a Juror of several International Design Competitions such as; “Poster for Tomorrow,” "Granshan," “Wow Design Festa,” “COW International Design Festival,” etc.
Past ten years, Chang has worked on several typeface designs for Korean and Latin Alphabets for branding projects. Recently, he designed an official university typeface called “SJSU Spartan” for the visual identity design system of the new San Jose State University’s branding strategy. "SJSU Spartan Roman" and “SJSU Pride” visualize the historical value and pride of the oldest California public institution with innovative and dynamic, modern aesthetics. He also worked for HP computer for their international language font project (Korean Alphabet, "Hangul") as an external consultant through Dalton Maag Font Studio in London, England.
Chang's Clients have included Samsung Electronics, Cooliris, Hyundai Motors, Amazon, Donghwa Bank, Korea Herald Weekly Magazine, Korea IT Network, and Celluon among others. His recent work and research have emphasized dynamic interactive design. His research papers, articles, and works have appeared in various professional conferences and publications including Graphis, Print, How magazine, Baseline magazine, ICOGRADA conference, Granshan conference, AIGA, Logolounge, Monthly Design, MAC World Korea, LG AD Magazine, and VIDAK annuals.
산호세 주립대학교 학과장인 김창식 교수는 타이포그래퍼이자 시각 커뮤니케이션 디자이너이다. 디자인 전문회사인 ‘리빙 크리에이티브 디자인’의 설립자이자 아트디렉더이다. 그의 전문 분야는 복잡한 아이디어를 개념화하기 위해 시각적 은유와 방법론을 강조한 ‘글자와 이미지’를 통합하는 것이다. 총 3권의 디자인 서적을 출간하고 여러 논고를 집필했으며 스페인, 영국, 폴란드, 아르메니아, 일본, 한국, 벨기에 그리고 미국에서 10여회의 초대 개인전을 열었다. 그는 또한 여러 국제 디자인 공모전 심사위원으로 활동했다. 클라이언트로는 삼성전자, Yahoo, Amazon Hammer극장, 현대자동차, HP 컴퓨터, 그리고 Amazon 등이 있다. 김교수의 연구 논문, 기사 및 작품은 그래피스 Graphis, 프린트 Print, 하우 How, 베이스라인 Baseline 잡지, 이코그라다 ICOGRADA 컨퍼런스, 그란샨 Granshan 컨퍼런스, 뮌헨 디자인위크 Munich Design Week 등 다양한 컨퍼런스 및 출판물에 게재되었다. 현재 국제디자인교육 엑스포 ideec 의장과 Granshan 보드 멤버로 활동중이다.