Competition Awards Exhibition Gallery
Conference Venue
Awardees' List / 수상자 리스트 및 관련 정보 페이지
Awarded Work Showcases / 본상 수상 작품 온라인 전시 페이지
Honorable Mention Showcases / 장려상 작품 온라인 전시 페이지https://www.oesoltypo.org/2023/exhibition-honorable-mentions
You may enter the work from June 28 through September 9, 2023 on our website (www.oesoltypo.org/index.html)
The entry work will be judging from September 9 through September 13 , 2023.
The entry work will be judging from September 14 through September 16 , 2023.
Wee will announce the awardees on our website (www.oesoltypo.org/index.html)
We will proceed the production of the exhibition book and other promotional items.
We will exhibit the awarded works at Ulsan Culture and Art Center.
We will celebrate the awarded works at Ulsan Culture and Art Center on October 7, 2023.
We will prepare the installation of the works at Ulsan Culture and Art Center.
We will open the gallery to the public at Ulsan Culture and Art Center.
We will celebrate the awarded works at Ulsan Culture and Art Center on October 7, 2023.
GRANSHAN is the only association and event dedicated to the study of non-English speaking typefaces from around the world, and to the study of design and culture. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in non-English typography and a renewed focus on its cultural background and historical value.
Sabina Oberholzer and Renato Tagli are internationally well-known artists and designers living in Switzerland. They studied at the CSIA(Centro Scolastico Industrie Artistiche), High School graphic design in Lugano, Switzerland. In 1983, Sabina founded the Studio di Progettazione Grafica with her partner Renato Tagli in Cevio, in the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland. Oberholzer and Tagli are alive to the relationship between nature and creativity and sensitive to their responsibilities within the small community where they live and work. Driven not by economics but rather by a belief in the quality and clarity of the message, Oberholzer’s design philosophy is based on appropriateness. Generally, it results in the elimination of the superfluous, ornate, or artificial. In 1997, at the Barcelona World Congress, Sabina Oberholzer was admitted to the Alliance Graphique Internationale(AGI), the profession’s Mount Olympus.
'Hangeul design is not over'
Today, Hangeul-related industries and cultural activities, including Hangeul design, have flourished, and Korean and Hangeul can be found in many major cities around the world. Recently, a tribe in Indonesia even adopted Hangeul as its official script, further raising public interest and enthusiasm for the language. It is time to revitalize Hangeul's creative spirit and true intrinsic value, and bring out its infinite possibilities. In this lecture, we will share and think about the problems facing Hangeul today, and calmly look at Hangeul's yesterday and today and its true value.
'끝나지 않은 한글 디자인'
오늘날 한글디자인을 비롯하여 한글 관련 산업과 문화예술 활동도 활발해졌고, 세계 주요 도시 곳곳에서도 한국어와 한글을 만나는 일이 많아졌다. 최근에는 인도네시아의 한 부족이 한글을 공식글자로까지 채택하여 한글에 대한 국민들의 관심과 열기가 한층 더 높아지고 있다. 이제는 한글의 창제 정신과 진정한 본디 가치를 살려내고 한글의 무한한 가능성을 끌어 올려야 한다. 이번 강연회에서는 오늘의 한글이 안고 있는 여러 문제들을 함께 나누고 생각하며 한글의 어제와 오늘 그리고 진정한 본디 가치를 차분하게 살펴보고자 한다.
Sabina Oberholzer and Renato Tagli are internationally well-known artists and designers living in Switzerland. They studied at the CSIA(Centro Scolastico Industrie Artistiche), High School graphic design in Lugano, Switzerland. In 1983, Sabina founded the Studio di Progettazione Grafica with her partner Renato Tagli in Cevio, in the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland. Oberholzer and Tagli are alive to the relationship between nature and creativity and sensitive to their responsibilities within the small community where they live and work. Driven not by economics but rather by a belief in the quality and clarity of the message, Oberholzer’s design philosophy is based on appropriateness. Generally, it results in the elimination of the superfluous, ornate, or artificial. In 1997, at the Barcelona World Congress, Sabina Oberholzer was admitted to the Alliance Graphique Internationale(AGI), the profession’s Mount Olympus.
We welcome our VIP guests to the Terrace for snacks and a tour of the exhibition.