Sung-Jae Song graduated from Seoul National University of Fine Arts and University of the Arts London (MA Book Arts major) and completed a Ph.D. program in 'Advertising and Public Relations' at Hongik University. He has worked as an art director at LG Ad, Dong-A Daily News, and as a professor at Hoseo University's Visual Design Department. He was a permanent honorable member of 'The Invited Designer of the Korea Industrial Design Exhibition.' He was the director of the Korea Book Art Hall at the Frankfurt Book Messe in 2005 and the director of the Korea Book Art Fair (Coex, Seoul). He won the Grand Prize in the Jikji Typeface Competition and participated in the TFT to develop a new typeface for Dong-A Ilbo. His work was exhibited to commemorate the 2006 World Cup "Ball of Nations' (Deutschen SPIELE Museum). He has published several typography books, such as; Herb Lubalin and Design Avant-Garde(Design House Co.) Graphic Arts for Designers (MJ Media) and others. He also has held three solo exhibitions and participated in many international group exhibitions.
송성재는 서울대학교 미술대학와 영국 런던예술대학교(MA 북아트 과정)를 졸업하고 홍익대학교에서 '광고홍보학과' 박사과정을 수료했다. LG Ad, 동아일보 출판국 아트디렉터를 역임했고 호서대학교 시각디자인과 교수를 지냈다. 대한민국산업디자인전람회 초대 디자이너이며 2005년 프랑크푸르트 북메세 한국 주빈국 북아트관 및 서울도서전 북아트관을 기획 운영했다. 직지글꼴공모전 대상을 수상했으며, 동아일보 신서체 개발 TFT에 참여했다. 2006년 월드컵 '볼 오브 네이션스' 기념 전시(도이첸 슈필레 박물관)에 작품을 출품했다. 저서로는 <허브 루발린과 디자인 아방가르드>(디자인하우스) <디자이너를 위한 그래픽 아트>(MJ미디어) 등 여러 권의 타이포그래피 서적을 출간했다.